Causes and treatment of varicose veins in the lower extremities

blood flow in leg with varicose veins

Lower extremity varicose veins - the appearance of spider veins (nets) and dilated saphenous veins in the legs. The disease, which is widespread in the adult population, is more common in women than in men.

The disease received this name when translated from Latin, it literally means: swelling, expansion.

The first sensations with this disease are very different for each patient, but the sensation of heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue, pain in the extension of the vein unite them all.

Treatment should be selected by an experienced physician who can objectively assess the stage and development of the disease.

The pathology, which is often just a cosmetic defect, however, in some cases, can lead to severe complications and persistent disability.

What are varicose veins, the mechanisms of development of the pathology

leg nodules with varicose veins

Some people over the age of 40 can face a very unpleasant situation - the appearance of varicose veins in their legs. Small purple vessels that penetrate the skin, woven into cobwebs or looking like a densely branched tree, are a serious cosmetic problem for many, especially women. Vascular networks "out of nowhere" (in medicine, the term telangiectasia is used) is the expansion of tiny veins less than 1 millimeter in diameter located in the thickness of the skin. This is one of the signs that a person has varicose veins in their legs.

If the nodules start to protrude above the surface of the skin, soft to the touch, which become more noticeable when the person is standing, we can speak of another manifestation. This is already a more serious pathology - enlargement of the great and small saphenous veins, as well as their branches.

Leg veins are smooth, thin-walled channels that return blood to the heart. To counteract the force of gravity, nature has provided them with valves that prevent the backflow (backflow) of blood. There are two venous systems in the lower limbs: superficial and deep. The first is represented by the vessels that are under the skin so that they can be seen. The second is the deep veins in the legs, located close to the bones in the thickness of the muscles. There are communications between these systems - perforating veins.

The inability of the valves to perform their function leads to blood stagnation in the lower parts, the discharge of its "excess" through the perforating veins from deep to superficial. This, in turn, increases pressure on the leg's venous system, located under the skin. What makes your vessels react to this is "twitch and stretch. "And that's why varicose veins occur in the legs.

Reasons for development

There are many conditions that lead to valve damage and loss of elasticity in the vessel wall. There are decisive causes for varicose veins in the legs, which are most often associated with this disease:

  • It was. Over the years, our veins lose elasticity and begin to expand. The valves also "get coarse", lose elasticity and fail to perform their function normally.
  • Pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the volume of blood in the body and also helps to slow down your movements in your lower extremities (the large uterus puts pressure on the veins in the small pelvis). Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy also play a role. As a rule, symptoms of untreated varicose veins resolve within 12 months of delivery.

The resulting telangiectasias (or, as many doctors incorrectly call them, capillary varicose veins), the causes of appearance on the face and legs, are often associated with exposure to solar radiation. Therefore, women who want to avoid this cosmetic problem need to choose - a nice tan or a vascular mesh.

Risk factors

Varicose veins are a multifactorial pathology.

  • Floor. Women are more likely to develop this disease. Hormonal imbalances that occur during pregnancy, premenstrual period and menopause can be considered a risk factor as it relaxes the vein wall for a long time. Hormone replacement therapy or long-term use of birth control pills also increase the risk of "developing" varicose veins.
  • Heredity.
  • Obesity.
  • Staying long or sitting (office workers, surgeons, drivers).
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol and varicose veins also have a definite connection.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

At first, the disease may not cause discomfort, it may be suspected when the following symptoms appear:

  • the formation of spider veins, nets in the legs (expansion of the intradermal vessels in pink, blue, purple);
  • the veins become "twisted", they protrude above the surface of the skin, like cords, interrupted by us.

Later, the following symptoms may join:

  • tired legs;
  • burning, throbbing, muscle cramps and swelling in the lower extremities;
  • worsening of disease manifestations if the person remains standing or sitting for a long time;
  • itching around "swollen" vessels;
  • bleeding from varicose veins;
  • painful local hardening of the vessel site;
  • changes in skin color or ulceration in the ankle area.

The disease is diagnosed based on data obtained during the examination and questioning of the patient. To assess the severity of the condition (how the valves work, the presence of a blood clot in the veins), Doppler ultrasound is usually sufficient.

pathology treatment

If the diagnosis of "varices in the legs" is made, this does not mean that there is a need for a long hospital stay. Thanks to modern minimally invasive procedures, the pathology is usually treated on an outpatient basis.

Change your lifestyle or help yourself

There are several self-help methods that reduce the discomfort of varicose veins and help prevent other varicose veins. Here are some of them:

  • Regular exercise. Move as much as possible. Walking regularly is a great physical activity that can improve blood circulation in your legs. How much charge will be ideal - you can ask your doctor about this.
  • Constant weight control, which excess damages the leg vessels. Don't forget about salt, whose excessive intake in the body causes fluid retention, which increases the load on the veins.
  • Pay attention to what you are wearing. Low-heeled shoes, unlike high heels, work the muscle-venous pump in the legs - the gastrocnemius muscle. Avoid wearing tight pants around the groin and waist as this can impair blood flow.
  • Keep your feet up whenever possible. To do this, several times a day, you need to take breaks and raise your legs above heart level, for example, lie down and place them on pillows.
  • Avoid sitting or standing for too long.

compression therapy

Usually, the early stages of lower extremity varicose veins are treated with compression stockings. External compression prevents swelling of the veins, which in turn improves the movement of blood through the vessels.

Additional treatments for a more serious situation

If lifestyle modification and wearing compression stockings do not improve symptoms, and also if the stages of varicose veins (undercompensation and decompensation) do not allow you to cope with the pathology on your own, the following treatment options will come to your rescue :

  • Sclerotherapy.The procedure, which does not require major anesthesia, is performed on an outpatient basis. The doctor injects a special substance (sclerosant) into the varicose veins, which sticks to the walls.
  • Foam sclerotherapy.Unlike the usual technique, in this technique, the sclerosant is injected into the vein after mixing it with a gas (usually air), which enables the treatment of larger diameter veins.
  • laser surgery. . . The new technology, which removes small varicose veins and vascular networks, is performed without skin incisions and vessel perforation.
  • Intravenous radiofrequency or laser ablation. . . A technique that involves inserting a catheter into the lumen of a vein, at the tip of which is located a radiofrequency or laser energy emitter.
  • Saphenofemoral ligation and removal of the great saphenous vein. . . The first procedure involves bandaging and removing the top of the vein. During the second, a special probe is inserted into the vessel's lumen (two preliminary incisions are made: one in the groin area, the second at the level of the upper third of the leg) and extends along its entire length. It is then removed along with the dilated vein.
  • Outpatient Phlebectomy. . . The doctor removes small, dilated veins while making several microincisions in the skin. Scars are often nearly invisible.
  • Endoscopic Vein Surgery. . . It is usually performed when the patient has an advanced stage of varicose veins in the lower limbs (ulcers appear) or when previous treatment methods were ineffective.

Varicose veins that appear during pregnancy usually disappear without any treatment within 12 months of giving birth.

alternative medicine

There is a wide arsenal of alternative treatments for chronic venous insufficiency, a condition associated with varicose veins. The following remedies are most frequently used for this condition:

  • butcher's broom;
  • grapes (leaves, juice, seed extract);
  • horse chestnut;
  • sweet clover.

Before using any herb or dietary supplement, you need to make sure that these complementary medications are compatible with the medications prescribed by your doctor and are safe for your specific situation. Therefore, before taking them, you should consult your doctor.


There is no universal and guaranteed way to prevent the development of varicose veins in the legs. However, there are preventative measures that help to reduce the chances of new manifestations of the disease, improving its symptoms. Here are some of them:

  • Physical activity (regular sports where the legs are 'involved', eg walking or running, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities, strengthens blood vessels).
  • Weight control (extra kilos increase the load on the lower limbs (pressure in the veins).
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  • During rest, raise them above heart level.
  • Try to avoid standing or sitting still.
  • Diet (less salt and more fiber).

It is also worth rinsing your feet with cold water after showering. Try going to baths or saunas less often.

Varicose veins in the legs are a widespread problem, the incidence among men varies from 10 to 20% and in women it reaches 33%. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully recover from this illness. But new minimally invasive techniques used in medicine can improve symptoms. Early treatment in the early stages of the disease can prevent the development of serious complications.